Boh Ho Ho Cocktail
December 24, 2019 by Nicole Collins
It’s Day 12!

And, it must be Christmas, because all I see is a HO HO HO!
HAHA, does anyone remember this old Jerry Springer funny?

Or better yet, does anyone remember a life before memes? When we had to watch TV or read a magazine to find a funny quote? When we had to rely on word of mouth and hope jokes caught on and spread through the nation?
I feel like I barely remember how we got information before the internet and cell phones and social media.

Anyways…today’s drink is the last one of our challenge, and it was inspired by this very sentiment.
Today, we’re making a Boh Ho Ho Cocktails!

Here in Maryland, if we were to have a state beer, it’d be Natty Boh (or National Bohemian if we’re trying to be proper). Natty Boh is an American lager that runs on the cheaper side of things, so it was very popular with the college kids in my day. It’s on the lighter side, and you often see it at big crab feasts in my neck of the woods.

For today’s drink, we’re going to invite a few friends to the Natty Boh party: some cranberry juice, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, and a shot of spiced rum. Because, why not? These extra ingredients give our summertime staple a Christmasy feel while still being completely light and refreshing.

But, the real winner of this drink is the Old Bay cinnamon sugar rim. Yup, I went there. If we’re celebrating the beer of Maryland, we’re going to celebrate it’s favorite crabby spiced bestie! For the rim, we make a standard cinnamon sugar but add just a kiss of Old Bay to the mix. It’s sweet with a little savory and a little hint of a special “something” that your loved ones will not be able to pinpoint. And when it blends with our slightly tart cocktail, the combination makes me speechless. Soooooo good! And, it really is fitting for holiday time with the warm cinnamon and seasonal cranberry.

Alright, everyone. I hope you’ve been good boys and girls this year! Thank you for following along with the 12 Days of Beverages. Here’s a recap in case you missed any:
Day 1: Pretzel Hot Chocolate
Day 2: Apple Pear Sangria
Day 3: Ninjabread Hot Chocolate
Day 4: Bad Santa Hot Chocolate
Day 5: Fizzy Grinch
Day 6: Christmas Tea
Day 7: The Poinsettia
Day 8: Candy Cane Spritzers
Day 9: Merry Margaritas
Day 10: Hot Chocolate Floats
Day 11: Frosted Coconut Snowballs

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. BOH HO HO!
Cheers, and let’s drink!

Boh Ho Ho Cocktail
Serves: 2 Print
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp cinnamon
1/8 tsp Old Bay seasoning
3 oz (2 shots) spiced rum
2/3 cup cranberry juice
12 oz American lager beer (like Natty Boh)
1 tbsp lemon juice
In a small bowl, combine sugar, cinnamon, and Old Bay. Pour onto a small plate. Pour some water onto another small plate. Dip the rim of each glass in the water, then dip in the sugar mix, moving it around to coat the rim. Set aside.
In a small pitcher, combine beer, rum, cranberry juice, and lemon juice. Stir well to combine. Pour into prepared glasses. Serve!
Recipe notes:
*We want cranberry juice for this drink and not cranberry cocktail which is loaded with sugar.
*The Old Bay in the cinnamon sugar mix might sound strange, but trust me. It's amazing! And, don't skip the sugar rim. It makes the drink.
*Natty Boh is the Maryland nickname for National Bohemian beer.
*Please drink responsibly!